The word 'Hooligan' was out of my mind for a very long time, until very recently, when i figured out what Mr.Raj Shrikant Thackeray and his so called 'party workers' are.
Truly, he has inherited something from his great uncle very very well.
Perhaps he is trying to get his name into the Guinnes Book Of World Records for getting the maximum number of cases registered against his name.
Shiv Sena is a party long known for their long 'Hindu' favourng views. Recently, after breaking off from his uncle and creating his own party, Mr.Raj Thackeray thought of taking up another issue...
'ANTI NORTH INDIANS'. His party workers started harrasing Bihar and Uttar Pradesh people residing in Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra.Most of the poor north indians who were harrased belonged to the lower classes of the society and were mainly cab drivers or petty businessmen and daily wage earners. People started getting harrased and beaten up for no reason at all and the 'Gundagardi' continued.
The most surprising part of all the drama has been that, the Maharshtra Govt., has behaved as a puppet in the hands of the MNS and Shiv Sena, though it is run by Congress, with NO support from the above mentioned parties!
To sum it up finally, the Maharashtra Govt. recently announced that all new cab drivers have to be Marathi to get their licences(they have to have a domicile and should know to speak marathi).
In the most funny way, the CM was seen changing his statement TWICE DAILY, sometimes with pressure from the centre and sometimes from the GUNDA'RAJ'.
They have proved it that Maharashtra, specially Mumbai is under a GUNDARAJ!